30 Day Gratitude Challenge

Lets talk about Gratitude!
Often I hear my clients say; “I just want to be Happy again!” One of the easiest ways to find your happy is to start looking at what you are grateful for!
This leads to Happiness, Joy and even Bliss!
What you are really doing is:
- Finding the glass half full rather that the glass half empty.
- Choosing to look for the good.
- Finding the positive rather than the negative.
- Appreciating people, nature and life.
- Finding Happiness.
- Creating Happy chemicals in your body.
- Changing your Neural Pathways.
- Being Aware that you have a choice to find something to be Grateful for.
- Doing the Happy Dance! Woohoo!!
So! Who is going to join me in a 30 Day Gratitude Challenge??
That is right! I am going to do it along side of you. Today is my Birthday and what better day to start than on my Birthday.
I am going to give you some different options to choose. Please do what ever option suits you the most!! It will be a Journey that brings more happiness and joy than you imagined. All you need to do is:
- Choose from my options or make up your own daily challenge.
- Practice it daily for 30 Days.
- Be gentle with yourself.
I would love it if you shared some of your stories with me!! How did you notice it changed you and your life? Your can do this by:
- Following this link and messaging me your story. http://renewhealthretreat.com/contact
- Sharing on my Facebook page, “Renew Health Retreat Bali”
- Emailing me on jaye@renewhealthretreat.com
- Most of all Enjoy Yourself!
OPTION 1 - For those who want to Step Up and go the extra mile!
This is the Option I am doing. I am a Send Out Cards Distributor and I am going to send a card to a different person each day, and let them know how much I appreciate them or am grateful to have them in my life. You are very welcome to join me in this challenge, as I know it has changed people’s lives.
The great thing about Send Out Cards is:
- You can design your own and add your own photo’s.
- There is a selection of Cards to choose from.
- You only have to fill in the address of the person you are sending it to and your own address and then hit “SEND!”
- A high quality Card will be sent out that day.
- The person you choose will receive a real card within 10 Days.
- The most you will pay if you send a normal sized card with your own photo’s is $2.50 (including postage) per day.
- The least you will pay is $1.50 per day.
- If you send a Postcard, it is cheaper.
- If you send one of the cards in the selection without adding photo’s, it is also cheaper.
If you want to do this with me! Just follow the steps below:
- Follow this link https://sendoutcards.com/118012/
- Watch the first video
- Hit the “LEARN MORE” button.
- Hit the “CUSTOMER OPTIONS 2” button.
- Hit the “JOIN NOW” button.
- Choose option $9.80. You will also need to buy some expenses money for postage.
- Hit “CHECKOUT NOW” and follow the prompts.
- Contact me if you have any questions.
OPTION 2 – For those who want to challenge themselves!
- Each day be looking out for someone that you are grateful for or whom makes your day.
- Tell them. Yes tell them or phone them or write them an email.
OPTION 3 – For those that want to do that bit extra!
- Every morning, as soon as you wake up. Think of someone in your life that you are grateful for or that you appreciate.
- Please look for different people everyday of the 30 Day Challenge.
- During the day, as many times as you can, bring your attention to this person, feeling Gratitude for them.
- At night as you lay down to sleep, reflect on this person until you feel it in your heart.
OPTION 4– This is for the faint hearted!
- Each night, take out your journal or a notebook and write down one person you are grateful for.
- Please look for different people each day of the 30 Day Challenge.
- Bring this person to mind and reflect on this person and why you are grateful for having them or having had them in your life.
- Keep reflecting until you feel this in your heart.
OPTION 5 – Make up your own?
Please Enjoy Your Journey, whichever Option you choose.