Virtual Wellness

Virtual Wellness

New ! We now offer Remote mentoring sessions, full Private Health Retreat Programs and soon we will have our new VIP Care Packages available completely remotely and virtually. 

These are all healthy, holistic, options and they are available to you from the comfort and convenience of your own home.

These are completed with full support from our experienced mentors via video, phone and other virtual technologies. 

You can choose and pay or your remote wellness sessions or package below. 


Private Virtual Wellness Mentoring Sessions

Private Remote Mentoring sessions are a healthy, holistic, option, and they are available to you virtually from the comfort and convenience of your own home.
If you are moving through a challenge or challenges right now, this is the ideal option for you.

These are personalised, private, confidential, Mental Health Virtual Sessions -  and you must be willing to commit to 5 or 10 one-on one 75 minute sessions with our World Class Facilitators/Therapists.

You may be experiencing psychological pain, worthlessness, lack of motivation and confidence, and are looking for holistic options and solutions, right now. This is where it gets exciting, because during your wellness journey with us, you will gain understanding, acceptance, clarity, self love, hope, resilience, fulfillment, and the empowerment needed to thrive in life. 

And we are always there to support you moving forward

They are also available as an add on if you have attended any Level Retreat with us.

You can choose from:

    1 x 75 minute Mentoring Session $350
    5 x 75 minute Mentoring Sessions $1400
    10 x 75 minute Mentoring Sesssions $2800

Book Your Remote Mentoring Sessions now

Buy now on PayPal, the safer easier way to pay. No PayPal account needed.



Private Virtual Health Retreats

New, Complete your level 1,2 or 3 Renew Health Retreat remotely at the times and places of your choosing.

Level 1 Virtual Retreat includes:

  • Phone consultation
  • Phone consult for Personal Health Questionnaire
  • Phone consult for Lifestyle and Medical Questionnaire
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness Training (MiCBT)
  • Customised One on One Holistic Counselling
  • One on One Educational Seminars
  • Renew Health Retreat Tote Bag
  • Educational folder and materials
  • Follow-up and aftercare


Level 2 Virtual Retreat includes:

10 x 1.5 hour sessions.

We expand on Level 1, including new powerful tools, processes, and understandings to increase your ever-growing toolbox, helping inspire and ignite your passion for living. We explore to greater depths how your beliefs and priorities can create more wisdom, clarity, and unshakable inner peace in your daily life.

  • Phone consultation
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness Training (MiCBT)
  • Customised One on One Holistic Counselling
  • One on One Educational Seminars
  • Renew Health Retreat Tote Bag
  • Educational folder and materials
  • Follow-up and aftercare


Level 3 Virtual Retreat includes:

10 x 1.5 hour sessions, including practice sessions, role-play and case studies.

This level is a coaching program that not only offers you an opportunity to further cement and implement your learnings. It also provides you with a fulfilling career opportunity to share this gift with those who need and want to transform their life. You will be shown how to deliver this program in 10 x 1.5 hour sessions or in lengthy time spans, as we also do.

  • Phone consultation
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness Training (MiCBT)
  • Customised One on One Holistic Counselling
  • One on One Educational Seminars
  • Renew Health Retreat Tote Bag
  • Educational folder and materials
  • Follow-up and aftercare


Special offers:-

  • Purchase all 3 levels for $12000 (save $4500)
  • Already attended or are currently completing a Level 1 Retreat? Purchase Level 2 & 3 (with a prerequisite of Level 1), for $8000 (save $3000)


Book your Renew Health Retreat now

Buy now on PayPal, the safer easier way to pay. No PayPal account needed.




VIP Virtual Care Packages


Buy now on PayPal, the safer easier way to pay. No PayPal account needed.


A visit to a Renew Health Retreat is a commitment to: