Go with the Flow

We so often resist life and when we do this we are resisting the natural flow of life. If we use the breath as an example, it is not like we have to tell ourselves when and how to take a breath, as it is an innate process. In the womb, when we are faced with the biggest challenges of our life like growing a spine and brain, it is not like we had to say "Grow Brain." So when did we start resisting life and trying to control these things?
We were conditioned with a Belief System that to be a Worthy Human Being, you need to be productive and control everyone and everything around you, so your life is considered successful and worthwhile. When life doesn't go how we expect, want or need it to, to keep this dream alive of pleasing everyone else and being a Worthy Human Being, we resist it and try and force it to change.
The truth is that life happens as it happens, due to everyone before us and everything. We cannot control all of these things and resisting this is like swimming against the tide. It doesn't work, as this force energy doesn't match the universal energy. Yet we keep doing this, wandering why we are stressed and not happy.
At the core, life is about the survival of our species and creating a better future for the younger generation. From the beginning of time, civilisations have been adapting and changing and the more flexible and adaptable they were with their thinking, the longer they lasted. We are meant to be like a bamboo rod that is strong, though flexible and bendable.
To go with the flow of life we need to:
- Breathe
- Understand that it is our Beliefs that create our Reality. Some of our Beliefs will align with the natural flow of the universe and others won't. It is the Beliefs that don't align that need to change. We learnt these from somewhere, so we can learn new ones.
- Accept life as it happens - This does not mean you accept poor behaviour, it means that you have to accept what has happened, because it HAS happened. Resisting this is futile.
- If life isn't how you want it, you need to think something different and do something different.
- When life isn't how you want, it doesn't mean you are bad, it means you have some Beliefs that need changing.
- Understand that we cannot and are not meant to control life. We can have self control and control small elements of life is all.
- If going with the flow feels uncomfortable, this is good. It is only uncomfortable because it is new to you. Just feel and lean into the uncomfortable and keep moving.
- Keep moving as we are not meant to be idle unless resting or ill.
- Remember that others lives are not your business. You can be there to support them, but it is not your business.
- Don't get down on yourself because of your past. Realise that you are a creating machine and if you don't like what is happening, choose again and repeat this process.
- If the same thing keeps happening over and over, it means you have something to learn from it.
Happy going with the flow.....