I Am Enough

Let me tell you a story about yourself and how important you are to this planet, to this universe. You are meant to be here, yes you!! You already won the race… your fathers sperm fought billions of other sperm to get you here, so the fact you are here, means you are definitely meant to be here. Not as someone else, something else, just as your unique self.
Next, from the time you are born you are whole and complete, even though you are conditioned to believe the opposite. You are taught that you need to do this and you need to act like that and this is wrong and that is right. You are taught that if you do this you are good and if you don’t you are bad and on and on it goes until you become a Human doing rather than a Human Being.
I want to remind you that it is an amazing miracle that you are here on this planet and your contribution and perfection is as unique and beautiful as any other living matter. You have just been conditioned differently. So it is time to unlearn that rubbish (that you aren't good enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough) and learn and acknowledge the truth about yourself and every other living thing on this planet.
Just the fact you are alive, means you are meant to be here and have something to contribute, otherwise you wouldn't live, like the runt of the litter. You don't have to try and be good enough, it is your birthright. You are Worthy and Worth It before you even start and always. You are the perfect person in the perfect moment, learning the next perfect thing to move into the next perfect moment. You are perfect in your imperfection.
Yes you are born and wired for struggle, and you are perfect and enough as you are. When you were born you gave your parents an experience without even having to try, so what made you think that you had to try to be good enough?? Yes! It was your conditioning and as we all know, you learnt that, so you can learn something new. Very simple!!
I'm hearing you say "it isn't that easy!" It isn't at first because your neural pathways run on the law of least effort and the old strongest pathway of "I'm not good enough" wants to run. These are truly just thoughts though and you just need to keep running "I am enough, I have enough, I do enough," until it becomes the strongest neural pathway. It might feel like a struggle, and you are wired for struggle, so I know you can do it.
Famous author Brene' Brown says that to believe you are enough, you need to practice the courage to be yourself, practice connecting with others from a place of I'm enough and practice compassion for yourself and your life and struggles. These tools become the gifts of imperfection.
The truth is that there will always be those who are prettier, faster runners, richer, poorer, bigger and on and on it goes. It is only if you have attached meaning to any of these things, that you will suffer. I know you have learnt to and I encourage you to start questioning the sense of comparing yourself and putting yourself down. Does it help you? Does doing this make you feel good about yourself? Does it make you a happy person? No!! It doesn't!! So it is NOW time to change the story.
Things you can do to step into "I am enough" are:
- Say NO to comparing yourself with anyone. This is futile. You were born into a different family. You had different life experiences. You are not meant to be them and you aren't. So why would you torture yourself this way?
- Practice acceptance, which means accepting what has happened in your life and if you don't like it, change your thoughts and actions for different consequences. Then you are taking responsibility for what is showing up in your life, rather than blaming. Acceptance leads to change.
- Practice finding things you like about yourself or are grateful for about you and your life. Gratitude will always lead to more happiness.
- Practice the courage to be vulnerable and show yourself in your entirety, meaning warts and all. Practice living wholeheartedly as yourself, doing and saying what rings true for you and makes your heart sing. This may involve speaking your truth, even when your legs are shaking.
- Practice connection and build up support systems around yourself, so you have something to fall back on when you do feel less about yourself. Then you have others to reflect back to you how perfectly imperfect you are.
- Be gentle with yourself, knowing that you really are doing the best you can in any moment and so are other people. Choose only to improve on the last version of yourself, as trying to be better than others leads nowhere.
Let "I am enough, I have enough, I do enough" be your new mantra.
Happy practicing. :))