Why Practice Gratitude, Appreciation and Thankfulness?

- Last week we suggested different Options for taking part in a 30-Day Gratitude Challenge. For more information go to: http://renewhealthretreat.com/articles/30-day-gratitude-challenge
- This week we are focusing on “Why we would Practice Gratitude” and “Why do we use the word “Practice”?
Why practice Gratitude or take part in a 30-Day Gratitude Challenge?
The first thing to be Aware of is that you have a CHOICE to look for what you are Grateful for or to look at the opposite. You also only have this Choice, when you are Aware of your thoughts.
It is as simple as that! There are only two choices! Have a think and be really honest! Which do you do more often?
Most of us are busy picking out what we don’t like or want, rather than focusing on what we do like or want or what we do appreciate.
So now that we are AWARE that there are only two choices we need to:
Create a Vision to focus on “what we are Grateful for,” more of the time!
We need to do this because:
- When we Create A Vision, we are really creating a Goal to be Aware of our Thoughts.
- When we become Aware of our Thoughts, we have a CHOICE on what we Focus On.
- When we are Unaware, our Thoughts of HABIT prevail, based on the Law Of Least Effort.
- When we Focus On what we are Grateful for, we will feel more Joyful Emotions.
- When we Focus On what we don’t like, we will feel the more unpleasant Emotions.
So we are really creating a Vision for “Our State Of Being,” to be ”Happier.”
The great thing about being Aware of this Choice is:
- We can NOW take Responsibility for our Experiences of Happiness, or the opposite.
- When we take Responsibility, we can NOW Make Changes.
- We NOW Feel Empowered and not like a victim of our Emotions.
This is why we would Practice Gratitude!!
The reasons why we Practice Gratitude for 30 Days are:
- It takes 21 Days to Create A Habit!
- We are Creating A Good, Positive Habit by doing the Gratitude Challenge for 30 Days.
- We are concreting this Habit.
- We are Creating Healthy New Neural Pathways.
Why do we use the word “Practice?”
For the perfectionists amongst us, you can relax! When we say there is a CHOICE, we mean that when you become AWARE, you have CHOICE.
As Human Beings, we are built to be in different levels of Awareness at different times, due to an innate survival mechanism. At times Life triggers our Natural Stress Response and we are not in Awareness. To berate ourselves at these times would be counter productive.
By Creating A Vision, you are making the Choice to aim at being Happier and Aware.
We use the term “Practice Gratitude” or “Practice Awareness,” for the reason that it is just that. A Practice!!
It is just like wanting to be good at Football. To be good at Football, we need to Practice Football.
To be Happy, we need to Practice “Being Happy.”
To be Aware, we need to Practice “Being Aware.”
So the Key is:
- To be gentle with yourself
- As you practice, notice the small steps and advances you have made.
- Enjoy the Journey.
You need to be Aware that:
- You have a CHOICE to be Happy or Unhappy.
- For you to have this CHOICE, you need to be AWARE of your Thinking.
- Your Thinking creates your feeling and Experience of Life.
There are only 2 States of Being in life. These are:
- Happy
- Unhappy
There are only 2 States of Mind. These are:
- Aware
- Unaware
So we need to Create A Vision for:
- Our State Of Being (Happy)
- Our State Of Mind (Aware)
Happy Pondering!!
Jaye :-)