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Sleep Better

Would you like to sleep better?


Sleep Better by:

  • Have a bed ritual. On darkness close the curtain and do quieter, calming activities prior to bed.
  • Prepare your sleep time by turning on your lamp and turning down your bed prior to bedtime.
  • Place some lavender on your pillow or with essential oil steamers.
  • Take suppliments that are helpful for sleep, if needed.
  • Read for a little while, prior to sleeping.
  • Going to bed earlier rather than later. Best no later than 11.00pm.


Below is a tool to Stress Less and Sleep Better with ‘Worry Time.' 

Have you heard of the Pomodoro Technique? It’s a great focus and efficiency hack. You clock on to a task for 25 minutes, dedicating yourself to only that thing, then after the 25 minutes is up, you clock off.

The technique is named after those popular kitchen timers of the last century, that were shaped like a big juicy pomodoro tomato

This method can be used for ‘Worry Time’ as well.

Set an alarm for 25 minutes (away from bedtime) to process your thoughts, tackle concerns, and “brain dump” lingering worries. This is your dedicated ‘Worry Time’.

If anxious thoughts arise during the day, jot them down to visit during your designated ‘Worry Time’.

By giving concerns dedicated attention earlier, we’re less likely to dwell on them at night, promoting a calmer, more restful transition into sleep.

Try it and reclaim your bedtime for peace and relaxation.